Article of English

English translation below.

ー 今回は弊社の児童養護施設 卒園者支援にご賛同いただきありがとうございます。早速、26,600円の寄付をいただきました。
ー 寄付のお金を捻出するフリーマーケットの昨年の売上は約100万円だったそうですね。


ー 「人のために」というところに気持ちが動いたきっかけはあったんですか?ー
「キリスト教の教えでは“JOY=喜び”とは、まず第1にJesus(神)、第2にOther people(他人)、最後にYourself(自分自身)なんです。私は小さい頃から、そういうふうに人と関わっていくことを教えられてきました。由衣は出会った頃から隣人を気遣うことのできる気持ちを持っていて、私と考え方が似ていると感じていました。だから、彼女が今回のような児童支援事業に興味をもったことはとても素敵なことだし、自然な流れだと思っています。」(デビン)

ー 「人のため」のなかでも「子どもたちの支援」に興味をもったのはなぜですか?



ー 児童支援活動に参加しようと考えたのには、そんな理由があったんですね。今の由衣さんからは負のオーラのようなものは感じず前向きにポジティブに生きていらっしゃるように見えます。由衣さんが変わったきっかけは何だったんですか?
ー デビンさんと結婚されたのはいつ頃ですか?

ー ウィリアムズ家にはいろいろありますね!でもみんな明るくてとても前向きな感じですね。
ー この支援活動についてお二人は今後どんなビジョンを持っていますか?
「私は米軍基地で働いているので、この活動を基地内で広め、不用品をもっと集めて、売上を増やしていきたいと考えています。もともと、基地のなかでは訓練だけでなく、地域に貢献できることは積極的にやろうと、みんなが意識を高く持っています。私も嘉手納の「沖縄アウトリーチ(OKINAWA OUT REACH)」というボランティアグループのトップを2年間やり、老人ホームの草刈、ホームレスの人への炊き出しなど、約2000時間ボランティア活動に参加しました。基地の仲間達も私たちの取り組みを知ったら、きっと賛同してくれると思います。」(デビン)
▶︎沖縄アウトリーチのFacebookはこちら >>
ー 今回は本当にありがとうございました。これからも弊社は継続的に児童支援事業に取り組んでいきます。ウィリアムズ夫妻とは長くお付き合い頂けると嬉しいです。

Mr. and Mrs. Devin and Yui Williams from the US Forces in Okinawa make donations for “Children’s Home Graduate Support”, a primary project of Ryukyu Office Service.
~Interview from Mr. and Mrs. Devin and Yui Williams~
Hello! I am Ms. Onaga, the Corporate Communications Cfficer at Ryukyu Office Service.
Our company recently received a donation for “Children’s Home Graduates Support” a primary community project for our company.
These donations were made by Mr. and Mrs. Devin and Yui Williams from the US Forces in Okinawa.
When our company president Mr. Fujimoto and I went to interview the couple about their donations, I immediately felt their passion to help “Children’s Home Graduates Support”. Today, we would like to introduce everyone about their project support activities.

“Last year’s sales reached 1 million yen. We would like to donate this year’s flea market sales entirely.”
Upon arriving at Mr. and Mrs. Devin and Yui Williams, we were also greeted by their 18 year old daughter Urara, two year old son Sasuke, nine month old baby Kyara, and their two dogs.
Yui seems to busy while changing their daughter’s diaper who is not even one year old. She was saying, “Let’s take a break and relax.” Their son Sasuke, and Devin served tea and sweets for our President Mr. Fujimoto and I. It felt as though I came to my friend’s house even though this was my first time meeting them. In such a harmonious atmosphere, let’s get down to the main topic.
– “Thank you for your support for our Children’s Home Graduates.” said Mr. Fujimoto. As a matter of fact, we received 26,600 yen in donations.
“I really wanted to make the donation in person, but your company told us that if it wasn’t a wire transfer, there would be no history. I’m not really good at machines, but I was worked hard to make this work” Yui said while laughing.
But actually she isn’t joking, she considers herself poor at working with machines and digital operations.
– It seems that their total sales last year at the local flea market was about 1 million yen, or equal to $10,000 USD. However, they intend to donate this year’s sales to our Children’s Home Graduates program, this was unexpected coming from a single family….. “Are you sure that is ok?” I asked

Yui replied “Yes, of course! We have been participating at the local flea market for about three years, but the reason I started was because it looked fun. I also wanted to give my daughter Urara an experience in working.”
“Since I had no experience with a part-time job, when I first participated in the flea market, I could not speak up in a loud voice to catch the customer’s attention. But I thought ‘I have to change something’ so I tried to speak in a loud voice and then the customers were starting to stop by our place. I was like ‘Yay, I got it!’ These days my voice is loud enough to be heard through the whole flea market.” laughs Urara

▲Urara in flea market
Yui continued “We collect people’s unneeded items and enjoy making the customers want to buy! It has been a fun business that makes us happy. Our first goal was make money for our family trip and we could accomplish our goal. “It’s now been three years and my desire is decreasing to use this money for us. So now I want to use the money for other people which is my biggest reason for continuing.”
“I learned from the American donation culture about what I can do to help.”
– “Did you always have the feeling that you want to use your profits for other people”?
“I was influenced by Devin.” Yui stated. “He is a Christian and our family goes to church every Sunday morning. I told him that I do not want to go to church because I hate to study, but It’s been about three years and we still go to the church every Sunday morning. It helps refresh my mind.”
Devin informed me, “In the teaching of Christianity, ‘JOY’ is our big keyword. The first letter, J, is for ‘Jesus (God)’, the second letter, O, is for ‘Other people’, and last letter, Y, is for ‘Yourself’. I learned this way of thinking from my family when I was a child. Yui already had feelings to care for her friends and our neighbors when we met for first time, which was similar to my thinking. The way she is intrigued by supporting the Children’s Home Graduates program is beautiful and very natural”

“Americans are very familiar with donating to help others. They help others as much as they can. It is normal to do something for other people in America. I volunteered to carry babies at an orphanage in Itoman because I was influenced by this culture. When my mother came to Okinawa to see Kyara, I had free time so I thought I would use it for these babies. When I went there I heard they don’t have enough people to carry these babies all day. I felt my efforts didn’t amount to much but at the same time, I thought this is what I can do. I thought about so many factors in regards to my own reality which motivates me to do something for other people.” said Yui.
It is almost impossible for a teenager to live by themselves.
– When thinking of ‘Others’ , why are you interested in the Children’s Home Teens?”
“I was in a similar situation when I was a teenager. I started to go off the rails, and I left home at age 15. I was often guided by the police. If I was doing those things these days, it is possible that I would have been put into a foster home.”
Urara chimed in, ”You gave birth to me when you were 16 years old right?”

“Yes, I got married and gave birth to Urara when I was 16. But I got divorced at 18 and Urara was raised by her father. I thought I was old enough, and would be treated as an adult. However, when I left the house at age 15, I could not sign a lease, and I couldn’t even make a contract for a cell phone. At that time it was hard for teens under eighteen years old to work so I lied to the family restaurant manager so I could work as a part time job. I got fired two days later when they found out, so I could not help working and living in a nightclub. I worked at the nightclub at night and in the day time I worked for a company that a customer introduced me to. He listened to my story and helped give me advice for my life. They signed for any of my lease contracts and they also were a co-signer for me. I thought I could do more things by myself when I got married, but I was over optimistic! My experience was almost impossible for a teenager living by myself.” said Yui

Yui continued, “In today’s society, we still do not treat people 18-20 years old as adults. I had the exact same experience but I got help from people around me. So recently I thought, now is a good time for me to do something, so I searched the internet to find some way to accomplish my dream and I found Ryukyu Office Service’s website. I read the President Mr. Fujimoto’s blog about the Children’s Home Teen Program and I knew that my desire was to help him. After these teens leave the Children’s Home, they will have hard time and face many difficult problems in society. If a little money can solve those problems, I would like to help. They have so many options in life and they have the right to choose their path, so what I really want to do is help them realize that. When I was a teenager, I had nobody to rely on and consult, so I lived in a dark and cloudy world. Eventually, I started online high school at 20 years old. However, I did not know about these opportunities like online high school or having a normal daytime job when I was 16. I wish I had adults in my life who could have shared these possibilities with me, instead of push me to the side because of my the age. I want them to know that there is a better way of life based on your decisions. I also want to say “Please do not limit your possibilities”, and remember, “There is a lot of happiness when you grow up.”

I knew the outside of world. I was aware that I had a lot of options around me.
– There must be some background for participating in “Children’s Home Graduates support”. Today’s Yui is seems to live positively without negative thinking. What made you change yourself?
“I do not have any memories at all when I was early twenties because my life was too wild until 26 years old. The one thing I remember is that I felt like I was being swallowed by greed, dependency, and money. My turning point was meeting with the president of a company that I worked for when I was 26. While he knew my past and knew I could not change it, he told me “Look at the outside world” and he gave me a job in Hong Kong. At that time there was a big difference between the rich and poor areas in the city, however, the whole city was full of life. I felt that everyone was working hard to live their life to the fullest. I decided I wanted to use my energy to live my life more by watching the people of Hong Kong’s lifestyle. I felt restricted in my small hometown and I felt frustrated that I could not go anywhere. However, after I saw Hong Kong, I felt my ideas were really small. With that as a start, I lived abroad a few years so I could feel the outside world and to see various lifestyles and meet different people, and then finally moved back to Okinawa where I am in love.”
-When did you get married with Devin?
“It was four years ago. We got married in May of 2015 and Sasuke was born later that year.” I was able to reset myself, meet Devin, and now I am enjoying a great life with my family of five and our two dogs.” said Yui
Urara jumps in ”Actually, I could not make a good relationship with my real dad in mainland Japan, so I left my home and joined my mom about three year ago. In the beginning, I was nervous to live with my mom and Devin because I had never lived with my mom until I moved to here. But my mom is easy to get to know so I could feel comfortable with them in a short time. I also now have a younger brother and sister and my environment has totally changed. Now I feel like I am second mom for my siblings.” she laughs.

There are many sides to The Williams family! But everyone is bright and very positive.
“In fact, Devin’s home environment was also complicated. Devin is a white American, but his step-father is an African-American which is not common, but also not uncommon. In the United States they don’t have a lot of drama in this regard between school friends or in society. When I learned that, I thought it was because the United States is an immigration state, and helping each other is normal in the United States. However, in the past there were very difficult times for these situations. Nowadays, not so much. I realized that I could expand my choices as much as I wanted. Urara wants to go to the America once she graduates from high school. I want her to keep challenging herself.”
We want to recruit supporters widely on the base and expand these activities
– What is your vision for this support activity?
Devin replied ”I work with the USAF so I want to spread this activity within the base and gather more supplies and increase our sales. Training is not the only thing we expect from our Airmen, everyone is also highly aware of what we can do for local neighborhood. I served two years in our Top 3 volunteer group which is called “Okinawa Outreach” in Kadena Air Base. Our team served over two thousand hours in different volunteer activities such as yard care for a local nursing home, food collections, and soup-runs for the homeless. I think if our Airmen know about this activity, they will agree and join our “Children’s Home Graduates support.”
Okinawa Outreach Facebook is here >>
Yui followed “There are many complex issues in Okinawa such as the base relocation issues and incidents by the U.S. military forces, but most of them are good people, and they want to do something for other people. My intent here is not to improve the local impression of the US military. If that was the only purpose here, then we would stop. Our only purpose in our activity is to support the children. However, it would be nice when the children who received this support, remembered in the future about those Americans who helped. ”
-Thank you so much for this time. We will continue to work for ”Children’s Home Graduates support” from now on. We look forward to a great partnership with The Williams family for a long time.

“Thank you very much!” From the entire Williams family.
ROS株式会社 (旧社名: 株式会社 琉球オフィスサービス)